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the 21st Century City: Close-Up and Remote
Brian McGrath and Grahame Shane (eds.)
Architectural Design
Vol. 75 No. 6 Nov/Dec 2005
Wiley-Academy (London)
pp 80-85.
National Security Sprawl
by Deborah Natsios
Greater Washington DC's airspace
offers strategic overviews of tangled metropolitan landscapes shaped by
the exigencies of successive national security paradigms. In the hour
before it crashed into the west façade of the Pentagon at 9:38AM
on 11 September 2001, hijacked American Airlines flight 77 mapped a provocative
trajectory above this complex domain, tracking national security landmarks
embedded in one of the nation's fastest-growing urbanised formations 1.
Within the hour, the capital region's snarled American-dream sprawl would
be transformed into the unprecedented threatscape of the 'homeland'.
The Los Angeles-bound flight
had headed west from suburban Dulles International Airport before stealthily
doubling back towards the capital city with transponder deactived 2,
navigating a final overflight of Northern Virginia's anarchic exurban
terrain. Beneath the opportunistic flightpath, national security institutions
and defence contractors lay discreetly camouflaged within a congested
topography of subdivisions, big-box retailers, cineplexes, regional malls
and information technology hubs.
At Dulles' southern perimeter,
in Chantilly, Virginia, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) - maker
of the country's classified spy satellites - huddled in a once-clandestine
$350-million suburban headquarters 3.
The NRO shared a paradigmatic suburban enclave with its top contractors
- including Aerospace Corporation, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin
- the pastoral embellishments of an 'exclusive master-planned business
community with state-of-the-art business setting amidst an environment
with expansive green spaces, parks, ponds and trails' 4
. Closer to the Pentagon, in Langley, the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) - developer of CORONA 5, the
nation's first photoreconnaissance satellite system - was sequestered
in a complex modelled on an academic campus prototype. Surrounded by evocatively
seigneurial neighborhoods - Savile Manor, Downcrest and Rokeby Farm -
the CIA had taken refuge in suburban standards that codified the spatial
and functional isolation of properties. Free-standing structures set back
on greenscaped lots invited convenient anonymity rather than interaction.
Guided by a bird's-eye view
of autumnal landscapes and glinting Potomac River wending below, hijackers
manoeuvred the Boeing 767 towards the pentagonal fortress at the margins
of the capital's exemplary geometries. In the last minutes of flight,
a catastrophic earthbound spiral from an altitude of 7,000 feet collapsed
institutional distinctions that stubbornly segregated aerial from terrestrial
intelligence collection - as reconnaissance's privileged eye-in-the-sky
was crushed into the earthbound object of its predatory scrutiny. (Fig.
Long before Flight 77 tracked
Northern Virginia's defence topography, the region was first surveyed
by air in 1861 when a Union balloon hovering near Arlington helped orchestrate
a successful attack against Confederate troops 6.
In intervening years, aerial and satellite technologies imaged the region's
unruly growth for civilian applications, informing contentious processes
of regional planning, traffic analysis and environmental evaluation. After
11 September, Greater Washington would submit to a new generation of 'persistent
surveillance', including the military's experimental use of sensor-equipped
blimps for aerial command-and-control 7.
War Sprawl
The Department of Defense bulwark
targeted on September 11 had provided the principal gateway for Northern
Virginia's defence development on its completion in 1943, attracting dense
clusters of contractors to its perimeter in Arlington County. These included
the hijacked aircraft's own manufacturer, the Boeing Corporation, which,
with contracts totaling $13.3 billion, was the nation's second-ranked
vendor in 2001 8 . (Fig.
Expansion of Greater Washington's
government bureaucracies and technocracies, of regional infrastructures,
settlements and population had accelerated with security crises 9
from the Civil War through the two World Wars, the Korean conflict, Cold
War, Vietnam and current Middle East campaigns. Defence installations
and symbiotic contractors would become a mainstay of the area's economy.
By 2004, TRW, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and DynCorp
alone employed more than 100,000 workers around the region 10
. Spurred by government-related employment - much of it linked to the
national security sector - Greater Washington had by 2001 evolved into
a mostly suburban metropolitan formation of 6,000 square miles with a
population approaching 6,000,000 11.
(Fig. 3)
At the height of the Cold War,
defence development invaded Fairfax County with the completion of Dulles
International Airport (1962), the National Defense Highway System's circumferential
Capital Beltway (1964) - its diameter calculated to exceed a thermonuclear
detonation centered on the capital - and new CIA headquarters (1962) (Fig.
4). Anticipating unprecedented scales of consumerism, another
1960s landmark emerged minutes from the CIA. At the nexus of the emerging
car-culture - the confluence of the Beltway and three major highways -
the country's first regional mega-mall was established at Tysons Corner.
Within a generation, a new urbanised typology would accrete around the
mall's core. The edge-city - a building pattern defined as having at least
5 million square feet leasable office space and at least 600,000 square
feet leasable retail space - introduced a significant suburban phenomenon:
more jobs than bedrooms 12.
Today, Tysons Corner's edge-city
jobs include leading defence employers Raytheon, BAE Systems, DynCorp,
Bechtel, Northrop Grumman and Science Applications International, who
share real-estate with the 'largest mass of retail operations on the East
Coast, after Manhattan's' 13. Puchasers
of stand-off weapons, early-warning systems and hostile-artillery location
systems can also shop at Banana Republic, Brooks Brothers and The Disney
Store 14. The convergence of national
security, transportation and consumer infrastructures was the defining
armature of Northern Virginia's suburban expansion.
Miles from the Capital's triumphalist
monuments and circumspect war memorials, artefacts of the national security
infrastructure have been normalised within suburban landscapes. Civil
War forts were absorbed into the capital's arcadian park system. The W-83
Nike missile launch facility became a neighbourhood landmark in Great
Falls, Virginia. A microwave station of the U.S. Army Strategic Communications
Command towers over the malls at Tysons Corner 15.
(Fig. 5, 6)
If the District of Columbia
was the emblematic centre of defence policy - the suburbs hosted the evolving
war industry, a war machine banalized by the very real-estate market forces
that were shaping the anonymous complexities of sprawl.
Home Invasion
The 11 September attack inaugurated
a new chapter in a regional history that had seen metropolitan growth
surge with evolving security paradigms. The landmarks of Pierre Charles
L'Enfant's seminal Plan of 1791 - tangible symbols of democracy, national
unity and power - were deemed vulnerable. The National Capital Planning
Commission, overseer of urban design and preservation, introduced to the
monumental core an aestheticised arsenal - hardened street furniture,
bollards and plinth walls - to fortify building perimeters 16.
Jersey barriers and reinforced planters frame the new blast-proof streetscape.
Street and sidewalk closures limited public access to sensitive locations.
Roadblocks and checkpoints challenged motorists and pedestrians. 'Flexibility
and choice' are diminished in a city whose foundational masterplan promoted
transparency, vision and access 17.
With the goal of safeguarding
high-value targets of the capital's symbolic core, aggressive protocols
were also deployed to manage the chaotic landscapes of the metropolitan
periphery. The anarchic civilian geography of outlying suburbs would be
subjected to provocative security interventions as sprawl's diffuse spaces
were disciplined by the capital city's emerging technologies of political
control. Invasive technologies threatened to perforate citizenship's privileged
constitutional envelope 18, however,
jeopardising legal protections surrounding the coveted emblem of individual
rights: the single-family home on its consecrated plot of primal green.
Transgressive enforcement methodologies
were exhibited on a cloudy morning in March 2002, when 150 heavily armed
federal agents invaded Northern Virginia's fragmented sprawl. Fanning
out across scattered settlements west of Washington DC and watershed landscapes
south of the Potomac, they conducted raids on a dozen area residences,
businesses and non-profit organizations 19
. Targeted sites included single-family homes and office buildings in
Fairfax County, most clustered together conspicuously near Dulles Airport
in the 'boom town' of Herndon, on the Loudoun County border. (Fig.
Acting on an alleged 'criminal
conspiracy to provide material support to terrorist organizations by a
group of Middle Eastern nationals living in Northern Virginia" 20,
the Operation Green Quest task force, comprising US Customs Service, IRS,
FBI and Secret Service, disrupted suburban equanimity as agents 'broke
doors and locks, brandished guns, and used handcuffs while they ransacked
homes and offices' 21.
A subversive community of co-conspirators
had allegedly exploited sprawl's unruly dislocations, infiltrating Fairfax
County's heterogeneous mix of mandarin power and common democratic culture,
tainting the suburban refuge of manicured lawns, asphalt driveways and
culs-de-sac that are home to a population of over 1,000,000. (Fig.
The raids, and those that followed,
signaled that Northern Virginia's swathe of Greater Washington DC sprawl
- a rapidly evolving region shaped by the competing interests of homeowners,
regional planners, developers, highway engineers and environmentalists
- was being remapped under the new geography of national security threat
(Fig. 9). As they tracked allegedly illicit
financial practices, federal agents plotted the contours of an improbable
new battlefield along snarled transportation corridors and layers of impervious
asphalt that had supplanted the region's wildlife habitats and agricultural
Unfolding beyond the historic
city's boundaries, Greater Washington - home to one of the nation's largest
Muslim populations 22 - had been
cast as a distinctive locus of 'homeland', the emerging nationalist project
that is reclassifying civilian landscapes as threatscape's defensible
With shrewd nomenclature, homeland
taxonomies idealise national landscapes to enlist public support for a
campaign to design a geography of threat. Landscapes nostalgically extolled
in 'land of the free, and home of the brave' support uncritical narratives
of national origin, unity, continuity and destiny. In their invasive sweeps
across Fairfax and Loudoun county sprawl, the authorities were constructing
an incipient homeland cartography.
Homeland invokes both moral
order and the spatial conditions of suburban settlement. The iconic diagram
of home set within the land betrays the culture's predilection for pastoral
rather than urban exemplars, privileging green lawns over city sidewalks.
With most of Americans residing in suburbs 23,
threats against this dominant environment command the public's attention
as well as its acquiescence to government interventions.
Information Battlespace
During the Civil War, the Defenses
of Washington (1862) - a circumferential ring of fortified installations
- successfully safeguarded the vulnerable city. Since 11 September, 'next-generation'
technologies are administering sprawl's unrestrained landscapes. Streets,
sidewalks and back yards that shape the suburban imagination are being
re-imaged in military-grade surveillance and satellite-based GPS. Constructed
in real and near-real time, sprawl's unpredictable legacy of subdivisions,
culs-de-sac, big-box retailers, parking lots, fast-food franchises and
high-tech corridors are being reconceptualized as 'battlespace' 24,
the multidimensional battlefield constructed by sensor and reporting technologies
that conduct intelligence collection, surveillance and reconnaissance.
Reconstituted in GIS scene mapping and mission planning softwares 25
- suburban sanctuaries are captive to command-and-control arsenals which
have supplanted the omniscient bird's-eye overview.
New technologies reveal latent
infrastructures of political control already embedded in suburban landscapes.
They expose consumer-driven sprawl as uniquely manipulable information
space (Fig. 10). The single-family home
is a rich lode of sensitive information about debt, cars, credit cards,
banking, taxes, travel, school performance and medical history. Data mining's
invasive pattern-recognition algorithms - developed from statistics, artificial
intelligence and machine learning - scour massive databases on behalf
of the government, seeking 'interesting knowledge'
26. Sprawl's complex information space has become captive
to panoptic schemes of 'multiple cartographies of surveillance' 27.
Next-Generation Sprawl
National security expansion
continues to shape Greater Washington DC sprawl. Stringent new security
regulations adopted after 11 September - including 82-foot building setbacks
as a precaution against truck bombs - will require as many as 50,000 Department
of Defense personnel currently occupying some 8 million square feet of
rented space in 140 Northern Virginia buildings to relocate to secure
sites in outer suburbs beyond the Beltway 28.
Defence contractors are expected to follow, a migration that could 'exacerbate
the region's traffic, destabilize the real estate market and flood already
crowded schools' 29 and 'increase
suburban sprawl and frustrate "smart growth" efforts in urban
areas'. 30
As sprawl landscapes are hardened
behind barbwired buffer zones and government transparency reduced by dark
tinted windows, the encroachment of the national security domain - often
under cloak of secrecy - has consequences for civilian space and civil
liberties. Information activists are harnessing new technologies to educate
the public and reverse-engineer the panopticon effect. Web-based initiatives
such as Cryptome [www.cryptome.org], GlobalSecurity [www.globalsecurity.org],
the National Security Archive [www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/], the Federation
of American Scientists [www.fas.org] and Memory Hole [www.thememoryhole.org],
as well as online discussion forums, function as national security watchdogs.
They offer powerful tools for public education - often in the face of
government opposition. Information transparency is empowering the public
with critical bird's-eye views of the homeland's contested battlespace.
Vera Cohn and Michael Laris, 'Metro Area Population Continues Upward Trend:
Loudoun County Among Nation's Fastest Growing According to Census', Washington
Post, 15 April 2005, A01; see www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A52779-2005Apr14.html.
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States,
The 911 Commission Report, Government Printing Office (Washington
DC), 2004, pp 2-35; see www.9-11commission.gov/report/911Report.pdf.
'Senate Amendment No. 2502: To Withold Funds Allocated for Construction
of the Headquarters Buildings of the National Reconnaissance Office,'
Congressional Record, 10 August 1994; see www.fas.org/irp/congress/1994_cr/s940810-dod-nro.htm.
Cassidy & Pinkard is the area's largest locally owned commercial real
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National Reconnaissance Office, 'Corona', www.nro.gov/corona/facts.html.
US Centennial of Flight Commission, 'Balloons in the American Civil War',
Steve Vogel, 'Military Has High Hopes For New Eye in the Sky: Sensor-Equipped
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2003, B01.
Department of Defense Directorate for Information Operations and Reports,
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Atlee E. Shidler [ed], Greater Washington in 1980: A State of the Region
Report, The Greater Washington Research Center (Washington DC), 1980,
pp 6-9.
Martin Kady and Mike Sunnucks "'Bandits" Bank on Bush: Federal
Contractors Pin Hopes on Defense Boost', Washington Business Journal,
1 June 2001; see www.bizjournals.com/washington/stories/2001/06/04/story1.html
(May 15, 2005).
Greater Washington Initiative, "Get Regional Facts",
Joel Garreau, Edge City: Life on the New Frontier, Anchor Press,
(New York), 1992, pp 6-7.
Brent Stringfellow, 'Personal City: Tysons Corner and the Question of
Identity' in A. Bingaman, L. Sanders, and R. Zorach [eds], Embodied
Utopias: Gender, Social Change, and the Modern Metropolis, Routledge,
(New York), 2002, p 174.
'Tysons Corner Center: Mall Directory'
'US Army Strategic Communications Command Microwave Station, Tysons Corner,
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National Capital Planning Commission, The National Capital Urban Design
and Security Plan, NCPC, (Washington DC), October 2002, pp 6-10.
National Capital
Planning Commission, Designing for Security in the Nation's Capital:
A Report by the Interagency Task Force of the National Capital Planning
Commission, www.ncpc.gov/planning_init/security/DesigningSec.pdf.
Maureen Fan, 'Block by Block, Access Denied: Security Just One Reason
D.C. Has Moved Beyond L'Enfant', Washington Post, 22 August 2004,
A01; see www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A22340-2004Aug21.html.
Simson Garfinkel, Database Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st
Century, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc (Sebastopol, CA), 2000, pp
'In the Matter of Searches Involving 555 Grove Street, Herndon, Virginia,
and Related Locations: [Proposed Redacted] Affidavit in Support of Application
for Search Warrant, US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia,
Alexandria Division, October 2003, www.usdoj.gov/usao/vae/ArchivePress/OctoberPDFArchive/03/safaaffid102003.pdf.
20 Ibid, p
Nancy Dunne, 'Attack On Terrorism - US Homefront: US Muslims see their
American Dreams Die', Financial Times, 2 May 2002; see http://specials.ft.com/attackonterrorism/FT3P6NEVBZC.html.
District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia Advisory Committees to the
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 'Civil Rights Concerns in the Metropolitan
Washington, D.C. Area in the Aftermath of the September 11, 2001, Tragedies:
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Dolores Hayden, Building Suburbia: Green Fields and Urban Growth 1820-2000,
Pantheon (New York), 2003, p 3.
National Defense University, Stuart Johnson and Martin Libicki (eds.),
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ESRI, GIS for Homeland
Security, ESRI White Paper, November 2001, www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/homeland_security_wp.pdf.
Usama Fayyaad, Gregory Platetsky-Shapiro and Padhraic Smyth, 'From Data
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Mark Monmonier, Spying With Maps: Surveillance Technologies and the
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Spencer S. Hsu, 'Defense Jobs in N.Va. At Risk: Many Buildings Fall Short
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David Cho, 'Base Plan Undercuts Sprawl Battle: Region's Leaders Criticize
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Washington Post, 15 May 2005, A01; see www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/14/AR2005051401190.html.
Hsu, op cit, A01.